Accessing your web connect via FTP will be fast and easy. You’ll be able to upload & download files and folders with only a few mouse clicks. Aside from managing the whole content, you can also offer other people access to a particular part of your account without offering them access to the hosting Control Panel where they can find private emails or other details they’re not supposed to. This can be done by creating a separate FTP account that they can use to access only one directory within the hosting account. This feature is pretty useful if you use different web developers or if you rely on a website building app like FrontPage or Dreamweaver to run multiple websites at the same time, since you can set up a separate FTP account for each site or each person. In this case, it’s crucial to be able to administer your FTP accounts easily.
FTP Manager in Shared Hosting
Our custom-built Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which is included with every shared hosting plan, will provide you with access to multiple features to manage your FTP accounts easily from the FTP Manager section. When you wish to create a brand-new FTP account, to update the password associated with an existing one or delete it entirely, it won’t take more than one click of the mouse. Unlike other Control Panels where you need to create a brand new FTP account if you want to be given access to some other directory, our FTP Manager will permit you to change the access path associated with an active FTP account pretty easily and you will be able to see the paths for all the FTP accounts as soon as you access the FTP Manager section of the Hepsia Control Panel. For your convenience, you can set up an account on your computer system by downloading and running an auto-configuration file for several FTP clients – FileZilla, Core FTP, CyberDuck. You can also arrange the accounts in ascending or descending order based on their usernames or access paths and locate the one that you need faster and easier.
FTP Manager in Semi-dedicated Servers
Even in case you’ve never had a web hosting account previously, you will not have any difficulties managing any part of your Internet presence if you get a semi-dedicated server from us and the FTP part makes no exception. With the FTP Manager, which is an essential part of our leading-edge Hepsia Control Panel, you will exert total control over your FTP accounts via a rather intuitive interface. With just a couple of clicks of the mouse, you will be able to do pretty much everything – to set up or to remove an FTP account, to change its password, to change the folder that it can access or to make use of auto-configuration files for FTP software applications such as FileZilla and Core FTP. In case you have created a lot of FTP accounts, you’ll be able to manage them without hassles, as you can sort them alphabetically in ascending or descending order either by username or by access path.